Having trouble convincing your friends and family that our government is lying to us
and that the so-called terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 were actually an inside job?
Here is the evidence you need to change their minds!
In ‘The Day America Died: Why you shouldn’t believe the official story of what
happened on September 11, 2001,’ you will read about:
• The lies our leaders told us to cover up the crime.
• Arab terrorists didn’t hijack the planes.
• The Twin Towers didn’t collapse, they exploded.
• Why evidence was destroyed and suppressed.
• How the military let the attacks happen.
• Fake cell phone calls and bogus box cutters.
• Foreknowledge made millions for investors.
• No jetliner ever hit the Pentagon.
• The Patriot Act was ready and waiting for 9/11 and took away your freedom.
Plus other astonishing details of the most tragic day in American history that is
much more believable than the story the government has told you that all point to
the need to indict our leaders for treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice.
Beginning in March, 2004, we will launch the first of many 48-page chapbooks that
will be modeled after Thomas Paine's Common Sense pamphlets which were instrumental
in mobilizing Americans prior to the Revolutionary War. These publications were
described as a "verbal revolution" that spoke in plain speech and simple language to
a people that were being economically stifled by pressure from the British Crown.
Declaring that "the cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all
mankind," Paine spoke directly to his fellow countrymen and encouraged them to
separate from England. As a result, copies of Common Sense were passed around
everywhere - in bars, diners, on street corners and in reading rooms - and provided
inspiration for not only George Washington's troops, but also those who drafted the
Declaration of Independence. 
This groundswell of grass roots, word-of-mouth populism is exactly what we want to
create with The Common Sense Series. Similar to the turmoil surrounding everyday
Americans in 1775 when Thomas Paine voiced his rallying cry for independence, we
likewise need a new beginning in our country. We are looking for material that
exposes the realities confronting our nation - the 9-11 cover-up, unjust income
taxes, government drug trafficking, peak oil & petrodollars, perpetual war,
international banking & the Federal Reserve, and historical fallacies that need to
be revised. 
Each of these books will be 48 pages in length, with color front and back covers.
More importantly, they will be affordable to each and every person in America. From
our perspective, accessibility is this project's greatest strength in combatting the
widespread conditioning that is being unleashed by the corporate-controlled mass
media. Stated differently, WE know what's going on in the world, but how many of
your friends, co-workers, and family members do? Worse, how many of them refuse to
buy books, videos, or read articles on the Internet that will open their eyes? 
But if we place these high-quality, low-priced publications in their hands and get
them to actually start reading them; then, finally, we can start taking back our
country. This type of action-oriented citizenry was exactly what Thomas Paine
envisioned, and as we all know, a Revolution ensured 
In the end, if we look back 230 years, were things really all that different than
they are today? The people of that time longed for freedom, loathed excessive
taxation, and wanted to be out from under the thumb of a hereditary kingship and the
aristocratic institutions which surrounded it. In the year 2004, we have Patriot
Acts I & II, taxes through the roof, and an ultra-wealthy ruling elite that controls
everything from what we see on TV to the seatbelts we're forced to wear in our cars.
Thomas Paine summed it up best with the following quote: "These are the times that
try men's souls." Luckily, he did something about it; and that's what we want to do
too. So, if you're interested in becoming involved in The Common Sense Series (or
know someone that is), we're looking for explosive, fiery material that is not being
found elsewhere. If we want to change this country, the first step is to change the
minds of the people in it. 
If you would like to submit material for The Common Sense Series, please send an

outline to Victor Thorn at:

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